
Welcome! Here, we are fans of having a tiny brain, which means, not keeping everything in your head all of the time.

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Recent Changes:

  • Moderating a Community
  • Politics - Politics arise when a group bigger than a single person needs to make a decision of what to do or how to handle a specific situation or type of situations.
  • Bivy Sack - A bivy sack is a waterproof cocoon for your sleeping bag, a substitute for a tent.
  • Buildings - Resources for constructing buildings/spaces using minimal resources.
  • Cast Iron - Cast iron is the best and lasts forever if taken care of.
  • Clothing - Making clothing is something I want to do, for fun but also to gain independence from gross retailers.
  • Cordage - Cordage is created out of plant matter and can be used to make rope, clothing, tools, etc.
  • Curiosity
  • Knife Sharpening - Sharpening your knives at home is probably not the cheapest, but it is a fun meditative activity, and very satisfying.
  • Knots - Knots.
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Lichen CMS Tutorial - How to set up Lichen on Nearly Free Speech
  • Lichen CMS Tutorial (PHP Version) - How to set up a dev environment to set up Lichen on your computer.
  • Lockpicking - Lockpicking, or locksport, is essentially another skill toy.
  • Miscellaneous DIY Resources
  • Moving - Moving sucks so having a good checklist of things to do when you move helps.
  • Paracord - Paracord is a synthetic cord containing smaller synthetic cord inside.
  • Reed Instrument Maintenance - Resources mainly for repairing my broken melodica.
  • Sandals - Sandals are easy to make, only needing a bike tire, paracord, and some tools.
  • Shaving - The basics of getting started with shaving using a safety razor.
  • Websites - Websites should be simple to setup, easy to maintain, and fun.
  • Budgeting - Budgeting is the act of understanding and maintaining your finances.
  • Cannabis - Cannabis (or hemp) plants have many culinary uses beyond the buds.
  • Cooking - General cooking stuff.
  • Eating Frugally - Good food doesn't have to be expensive nor wasteful.
  • Fermentation
  • Foraging - Food foraging is finding and eating food that is out there in the wild. DO NOT EAT WHAT YOU CANNOT IDENTIFY 100%!
  • Garlic - Garlic should be delicious and easy to work with.
  • Growing Food - Growing food is usually not a final survival solution, but it helps.
  • Magnolia - Magnolia blossoms are edible and delicions, tasting of floral ginger.
  • Oven
  • Peruvian Peppercorn - This fragrant peppercorn can be found in Southern California, Hawaii, and Florida.
  • Rice - Rice is a simple starch you can (and I do) add to almost any meal.
  • Alt Milk - Alternative milks are easy, taste good, and are WAY cheaper than store bought.
  • Biscuits - Biscuits!
  • Bread - Bread is a lot easier to make than you think.
  • Fermented Brown Rice
  • Fermented Tomatoes
  • Focaccia - Focaccia is a light lean bread that benefits from good olive oil.
  • Garlic Paste - Garlic paste is a way to preserve garlic for a long time and make it easy to add to any dish.
  • Kimchi Pancake - A kimchi pancake is quick and simple, and tastes great over rice.
  • Kombucha - Kombucha is a naturally fermented probiotic tea based on a SCOBY, or good fungus.
  • Kvass - Bread flavored soda. You can reuse your stale bread and some sourdough starter, too!
  • Magnolia Quick Pickles - Pickled magnolia blossoms and buds taste like pickled ginger.
  • Muesli - Muesli is a great simple breakfast food.
  • No-Knead Bread - No-knead bread is probably the best balance of effort to taste you can have with bread.
  • Pesto with Greens - Most pesto is made with basil, but really any greens will do.
  • Quick Pickles - Quick pickles are a great way to preserve food and make it taste better.
  • Thai Curry - This Thai curry can be used as a base for a "kitchen sink" kind of meal, throwing in whatever you got in your fridge or pantry.
  • Toum - Toum is a naturally vegan garlic aioli/mayonnaise.
  • Waffles - Sourdough, yeast, and baking soda waffles.
  • Aslatua - Also known as kashaka or cas cas, these are two shakers attached by a string.
  • Begleri - Begleri is a small skill toy from Greece.
  • Card Games - These are games to play with standard 52-card playing cards.
  • Dutch - A card game to be played with two or more people.
  • Martial Arts Games - These are "games" to isolate certain techniques and make it fun.
  • Multiplayer Games
  • Rubik's Cube - The Rubik's Cube is a puzzle that is solved by utilizing algorithms.
  • Aikido - Aikido is a martial art, roughly translated to "the way of harmonious spirit".
  • COVID-19 - Resources on the ongoing pandemic.
  • Living With Heat - Living with the heat is our future, and here are some ways to manage it.
  • Rowing - Rowing is a low impact cardio workout.
  • Suspension Exercises - Suspension trainers like the TRX or gymnastic rings make bodyweight exercise a bit more fun and engaging.
  • Vagus Nerve - The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body and a key part of the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Exercise - Exercise is bodily activity that is usually used to maintain physical and mental wellness.
Home Ownership
Information Management
  • Anki - Anki is a spaced repetition language learning tool.
  • Calibre - Calibre is an open source ebook manager and library.
  • Credit Monitoring - Monitoring your credit score and protecting your credit is easy and free.
  • Getting Things Done - Getting Things Done is a book by David Allen that is very useful for people who have difficulty managing their projects.
  • Handbrake - Handbrake is an application for backing up video media.
  • Low-/No-Tech Productivity - Low-/No-tech productivity tools are ways to distance yourself from technology when it is not helpful and possibly hurtful.
  • Task Management - Task management is about dealing and refining the constant input and maintaining consisitent output.
  • The Carmack Plan - Game designer John Carmack took extensive notes during the development of the game Quake.
  • Zettelkasten
  • Thai - Thai is a tonal language and the native language of Thailand.
  • Toki Pona - Toki Pona is a conlang with less than 150 words that is easy to learn.
  • Bytebeat - Bytebeat is the method of piping mathematical equations to an audio device make lo-fidelity gritty sounds.
  • Hand Flute - You can use your hands to get an ocarina-like sound, and with different pitches once you get going.
  • Synth Bass - Synth bass, or key bass, is using a synthesizer as the bass instrument.
Personal Growth
  • Audition / Interview / Test Preparation
  • Constraints
  • Doing - The difference between where you are and where you want to be is experience.
  • Feedback - Getting constructive feedback about you or your work is essential to long-term growth.
  • Goal Setting - Goal setting is a way to hone your efforts towards a particular end result.
  • Internal Family Systems - IFS is a framework to help understand our inner selves, as a series of parts.
  • Journaling - Journaling is a great way to reflect on who you are, what you do, and what you want or need.
  • Yak Shaving - Yak shaving is when you start task X but task Y 'must' be finished first, and thus task Z 'must' be done, ad infinitum.
Plant Life
  • Native Plants - Native plants are a great thing to learn about for ecological, food, and environment reasons.
  • Terrariums - A terrarium is an enclosed environment housing soil and plant life.
Problem Solving
  • Hammock Driven Development - Hammock Driven Development was a talk from Rich Hickey on how to practice solving problems.
  • PI AT PC Framework - The PI AT PC framework is my extrapolation of what I learned from Anthony Pecchillo at Hack Reactor.
  • Problem Solving - Solving big problems is just solving problems.
  • Amiga - The Amiga is a computer that gained popularity in the 80's and 90's.
  • APL - APL is an array programming language.
  • Applescript - Applescript is a programming language used to create scripts in Mac computers.
  • BASIC - BASIC is a high level programming language, mainly used for its simplicity.
  • Big-O Notation - Big-O notation shows the speed of an algorithm at a large scale in the worst-case scenario using fuzzy estimates.
  • Certificates/PEM Files - I get out of date errors a lot, so this is a fix.
  • CHIP-8 - The CHIP-8 is a computer with a very simple architecture and is common for testing emulation on modern hardware.
  • COBOL - COBOL is a high-level language mainly used with mainframes on legacy and modern systems.
  • Competitive Programming - Competitive programming is a tool used (erroneously) by many employers to test whether you are good at programming.
  • Compilers
  • Debugging - Debugging is efficiently determining the problem and devising a solution for your program.
  • Documentation
  • Dotfiles - Dotfiles are the config files for your computer that can help transitioning to a new device easier.
  • ed - ed is a line editor that is included with most *nix machines.
  • FAR Versioning - FAR is a type of versioning proposed by Rich Hickey.
  • Finite State Machines - A finite state machine is a computer that can only be in one state at a given time.
  • Forth - Forth is a procedural, stack-oriented programming language and interactive environment.
  • Getting a Job
  • Gherkin - Gherkin is a business readable language which helps you to describe business behavior without going into details of implementation.
  • Glob - Glob is like regular expressions but for POSIX systems.
  • Go - Go is a compiled programming language.
  • Heap - A heap is a tree-based data structure.
  • Input Hygiene - Ensuring the inputs of your user-facing forms (and others) work as expected for everyone is crucial.
  • Interpreters and Compilers - The goal of an interpreter or a compiler is to translate a source program in some high-level language into some other form.
  • JQL - Jira Query Language is baffling, but helpful.
  • Learning Programming - Resources for learning to program
  • Lua - Lua is a minimalist interpreted programming language.
  • Magic Numbers (Programming) - Magic numbers are numbers that have no semantic meaning. These are problematic for maintenance and bug fixing.
  • Make - Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.
  • Making a Good README - Your README file contains a high level overview for people interested in using, contributing, or perusing your code.
  • Making a Specification - A specification is the contract you set out for a given piece of software.
  • Mercurial
  • Minimum Viable Product - The idea of an MVP is to get something up that meets the base specs as fast as possible.
  • Model View Controller - This design pattern is used to separate functionality, logic, and component management.
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Object-oriented programming is a way to structure programs using reusable classes and objects.
  • Open Source Software - Open source software is complicated.
  • Parallelism and Concurrency
  • Parsers - Parsers are a way of converting input data from a string into meaningful tokens and data.
  • PHP - PHP is a language mainly used in web development and with Wordpress.
  • Programming - Programming is hard.
  • Programming Games - These are games about or to help you learn programming.
  • Progressive Enhancement - Progressive enhancement is a way to make fast accessible websites.
  • Proquints - Proquints are a way to encode numbers in pronounceable consonant/vowel combinations.
  • Pseudocode - Pseudocode is a way to devise and organize solutions to problems without worrying about implementation details.
  • Raytracing - Raytracing is a way of generating and rendering 3D graphics for digital images.
  • Recursion - Recursion is the act of calling a function within the function itself.
  • Refactoring - Refactoring is improving your code while not affecting the end result.
  • Resources for Learning
  • Rust - Rust is a compiled low-level language. Aiming for similar applications as C, but safer.
  • Scrum - Scrum is a framework of managing projects that aims for quick execution, regular evaluation, and staying nimble over developing a fully fleshed out plan first.
  • SoX - SoX is a Linux command-line application that can create, edit, or process audio.
  • ssh and scp - ssh (secure shell) is a way to connect to remote computers and interact with them. scp (secure copy) is used to send/request files.
  • Svelte - Svelte is a framework made to be fast and small.
  • SVG - SVG's are scalable vector graphics. They consist of instructions for the computer to follow to create the drawing.
  • Templating - Injecting text into a template file is one of the my favorite uses of a computer for automating tasks.
  • tmux - tmux is a way to use multiple windows and splits in a terminal, as well as automate these and other processes.
  • Typing - There are a few kinds of "typing", as it pertains to programming languages.
  • VLC - VLC is a free and open source audio player for all major operating systems.
  • ZX Spectrum
  • ARIA Attributes - ARIA attributes are a set of roles and attributes that define ways to make the web more accessible to people with disabilities.
  • ARIA Attributes (Reference) - This is a reference of various ARIA attributes.
  • Sublime Text - Sublime Text is an application made for software development.
  • Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code/Codium is an open-source application developed by Microsoft for software and code development.
  • Assembly - Assembly is an extremely low-level human-readable language that has a strong relation between the code and the corresponding machine code.
  • Assembly (6502) - Assembly is an extremely low-level human-readable language that has a strong relation between the code and the corresponding machine code.
  • Assembly (Amiga) - The Amiga was a personal computer from the 80's built on the Motorola 68000 chipset.
  • Assembly (DOS)
  • Assembly (Unix) - Assembly on Unix is largely the same between Mac and Linux computers.
  • Assembly (Windows) - Assembly on Windows utilizes masm, Microsoft's proprietary assembler and linker.
  • Minicube64 - Minicube64 is a fantasy console style emulator based on 6502, with the intention of helping people learn how games were made for older systems.
  • Z80 - The Z80 is a microprocessor found in TI calculators as well as ZX computers.
Programming/Best Practices
  • Arrays (C) - Arrays in C, like all things in C, require a lot more care than higher level languages.
  • C - C is a programming language that is very low-level, compiling down to assembly language.
  • C Data Types - The different data types in C all have their own characteristics.
  • C Helper Functions - C has a large amount of helper libraries and functions.
  • Command Line Arguments in C - Creating terminal applications in C often relies on command line arguments.
  • Functions (C)
  • Header Files (C) - Header files are where you place shared functions, function prototypes,
  • Regular Expressions (C) - Regular Expressions in C use POSIX syntax and are a little weird.
  • Strings (C) - Strings in C are arrays of characters.
Programming/Code Style
  • Issues - Issues on open source projects should be clear and concise.
  • Alignment (CSS)
  • Animations (CSS)
  • Classless CSS - Making webpages that rely only on the semantic HTML benefits the users and developers alike.
  • Color Palettes (CSS) - These are color sets that I think are pleasant.
  • Common Breakpoints (CSS) - These are common breakpoints for all devices in web development. These are to be used in CSS media queries.
  • CSS Best Practices - These are some basic things I've picked up over the years.
  • Cube CSS - Cube CSS is a CSS framework that is composition first and values it above everything else.
  • Fonts (CSS) - Importing and using external fonts properly in CSS.
  • Gradients (CSS) - How to create and use linear gradients in CSS.
  • Inverted Triangle CSS - ITCSS is a way to structure your CSS projects to minimize specificty issues and organizational problems.
  • Minimalist CSS - Small bits of CSS that do a lot.
  • Object Oriented CSS
  • Organization and Structure (CSS) - Miscellaneous notes and best practices on organization and structure in CSS.
  • Patterns (CSS)
  • Position (CSS) - The `position` property in CSS gives the developer control over the x-, y-, and z-axis in aligning elements.
  • Print Queries (CSS) - Print queries are rules detailing how your page will be formatted when being sent to the user's printer.
  • Sass - Sass is a CSS preprocessor that allows a lot more ease in maintainability and gives much deeper modularity than CSS normally provides.
  • Selectors (CSS) - Selectors are the backbone of CSS, allowing the developer to create stylesheets that apply and cascade to many elements at a time.
  • Text Selections (CSS)
  • Transitions (CSS) - Transitions allow you to transform a CSS rule from one set of values to another, and can be triggered either by a pseudoclass selector, on a regular cycle, or just once when loaded.
  • Typography (CSS) - How to properly define and apply typography rules in CSS.
  • Vendor Prefixes (CSS) - Vendor prefixes are used to ensure that older or unsupported browsers have every possibility of implementing the desired rule.
  • Curses - Curses is a way to manipulate terminals mainly for text user interfaces in applications.
  • MongoDB - MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system based on Javascript using documents similar to JSON.
  • Mongoose - Mongoose is an NPM package that allows a simple and schema'd Javascript entrypoint to your Mongo database.
  • Common SQL Queries - These are some common SQL queries that come up.
  • MySQL - MySQL is an open source relational database management system developed by Oracle.
  • Postgres - Postgres is a relational database management system.
  • SQL - SQL is a Structured Query Language that uses a relational database. A relational database represents a collection of related 2D tables, like spreadsheet.
  • SQLite - SQLite is an open-source, zero-configuration, self-contained, stand-alone, transaction relational database.
  • Brainfuck - Brainfuck is a Turing-complete esolang created in 1993 by Urban Müller.
  • FRACTRAN - FRACTRAN is an esoteric programming language developed by John Conway that is based solely on fractions and prime numbers.
Programming/Fantasy Consoles
  • Fantasy Consoles - A fantasy console simulates virtual hardware, unlike emulators which emulate real hardware.
  • PICO-8 - The PICO-8 is a fantasy console to make and share tiny games and programs.
  • TIC-80 - The TIC-80 is a fantasy console.
  • Gemtext - Gemtext is a markup language used by the Gemini protocol.
  • JSON - JSON is the de facto standard for serializing data over the internet.
  • Markdown - Markdown is a markup language that is often used in sstatic site generators and general note taking.
  • YAML - YAML is a markup language that is great for non-technical users, but has many flaws.
  • Calculate changes - At work, you need to calculate impact. Lines of code sucks, but it's better than nothing/
  • git - git is a version control system.
  • git alias - Aliases in git are a way to minimize keystrokes and mistakes when using complex commands.
  • gitignore - gitignore is way to clean up what will or won't be searched for when committing to a git repo.
  • My git Aliases - This is a list of all of my current aliases I use with git.
  • Rebase (git) - Rebasing in git is a way to clean up your commit history and change the history of one branch to be after the changes of another.
  • Anchor Tags (HTML)
  • Canvas - The Canvas API provides a means for drawing graphics via JavaScript and the HTML canvas element.
  • Favicons
  • HTML - HyperText Markup Language is the language of the internet.
  • HTML Forms - The basics of HTML forms, semantic HTML forms, and validation.
  • HTML Tables - The basics of HTML5 tables and semantic HTML tables.
  • Pug - Pug is a templating engine for HTML.
  • Semantic HTML - HTML without any styling or functionality should be readable and the user should easily be able to discern context about the content.
  • Web Fonts (HTML)
  • AJAX - AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. It is an asynchronous way to get and send data. Usually used with JSON. AJAX is built in to Javascript.
  • Alpine - Alpine.js is a lightweight Javascript framework for making basic sites.
  • Apply, Call and Bind in Javascript - Apply, bind, and call are higher order functions that help with `this`.
  • Arrays (Javascript) - Arrays in Javascript have many specific methods for modification and analysis. Some are cunfusiong or hard to recall.
  • Classes (Javascript) - Classes in Javascript allow a more object-oriented approach, creating instances with methods and properties.
  • Codemod - Codemod is a refactoring tool for code.
  • Date (Javascript) - Javascript Date objects have some weird intricacies that need attention.
  • DOM Manipulation (Javascript) - How to manipulate the HTML DOM using Javascript.
  • Drag and Drop (Javascript)
  • ESLint - Enforce rules and raise warnings to keep your Javascript, Typescript, and React code clean and bug free.
  • Event Listeners (Javascript) - Event listeners run a function on the emitting of an event, including 'click', 'keyup', resize', and more.
  • Express - Express is a Javascript-based server application that will help route requests from the client.
  • Fetch API - Fetch API is a part of vanilla JS that does HTTP requests.
  • Frameworks (Javascript) - Javascript frameworks are abundant and everywhere, so I wanted to collate a list with some blurbs and first impressions.
  • Functions (Javascript) - Functions in Javascript come in expressions, function declarations, and anonymous functions.
  • Higher Order Functions - A higher-order function either takes in a function as an argument, or returns a function.
  • How To Load Local JSON Files
  • Immer - Immer is a package that allows modification of complex objects and maintains immutability with your application.
  • Jasmine - Jasmine is a Javascript testing framework.
  • Javascript - Javascript is currently the language of the web. Used to make most apps and do most things.
  • Javascript Libraries - Interesting and useful libraries for vanilla Javascript.
  • Jest - Jest is a testing framework built by Facebook for Javascript applications.
  • JSCodeShift - JSCodeShift is a Javascript Codemod toolkit.
  • JSDoc - JSDoc is a markup language used to annotate JavaScript source code files with comment blocks.
  • Lexical Scoping (Javascript) - Lexical scoping defines how variable names are resolved in nested functions or blocks.
  • Make a Rule (ESLint) - This is the basics of making a rule in ESLint.
  • Mocha and Chai (Javascript) - Mocha is a Javascript test framework for use with Node, and Chai is an assertion library.
  • MutationObserver (Javascript) - The MutationObserver interface provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.
  • Node - Node is a server environment in Javascript.
  • NPM - Node Package Manager is a hub from which you can install, manage, and maintain node/Javascript projects.
  • NVM - Node Version Manager allows you to use multiple diferent versions of node and switch between them easily.
  • Object Destructuring (Javascript) - Object destructuring in Javascript allows you to create constants from items within an object.
  • Operators (Javascript)
  • PixiJS - PixiJS is an HTML5 graphical engine built in Javascript.
  • Process (Node) - Node has a global `process` variable, which provides access to useful methods and properties.
  • Promises and Async/Await (Javascript) - Promises and async/await are a way to handle asynchronous actions in Javascript.
  • Regular Expressions (Javascript)
  • Snapshot Testing - Snapshot testing is a way of testing the state of the UI through DOM structure.
  • Socket.IO - Socket.IO is a node package that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the client and the server.
  • Switch Case (Javascript) - Switch cases allow if/else style branching but with different side effects.
  • Tagged Template Literals - Tagged template literals are a relatively new feature for Javascript allowing complex string building.
  • Testing (Javascript) - Javascript provides many options to test your code via timing, assertions, and frameworks.
  • Vanilla Javascript - Vanilla Javascript is javascript with no or minimal external frameworks.
  • Variables (Javascript) - var, let, const are variables in Javascript.
  • Vue - Vue is a front-end Javascript framework.
  • Yarn - Yarn is a hub from which you can install, manage, and maintain node/Javascript projects
  • Custom React Hooks - Custom hooks allow you to create simple extensions of existing React hooks to better suit your needs.
  • PropTypes - PropTypes are a way to add more strict typing, validation, and default values to props in React.
  • React - React is a Javascript framework for implementing dynamic single page applications into your site.
  • React from Scratch - Learn how React works by building it without the create-react-app framework.
  • React Hooks - Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components.
  • React Router - React Router is a way to link to other pages dynamically within your React single page application.
  • Typescript - Typescript is a superset of Javascript that is strongly typed and values specificity.
  • Lisp - Lisp is a high-level programming language mainly consisting of s-expressions.
  • ANSI Escape Codes - ANSI escape codes are a way to style text in the terminal.
  • ASCII - The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, but mostly cool characters nowadays.
Programming/Paper Computing
  • Paper Computing - Paper computing is a way to learn about the most basic operation of Turing complete systems and programming in general.
  • The Know-how Computer - The Know-how Computer is a simple pen-and-paper computer to help educate people on basic computing and assembly programming.
  • The Little Man Computer - The Little Man Computer is a simple pen-and-paper computer to help educate people on basic computing and assembly programming.
Programming/Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expressions - Regular Expressions or "regex" is used to describe a series of characters. If it has a pattern in its formatting, regex can be used.
  • Regular Expressions (POSIX) - POSIX's Regular Expressions differ in implementation than the standard regex we know today.
  • Rails - Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby.
  • Ruby - Ruby is an open-source high-level language similar to Python
  • Apache - Apache is server software that was often used with PHP.
  • OSX Shell - Different important snippets for dealing with the shell meta on OSX.
  • Shell - The shell is the terminal of your operating system. This is the *nix shell.
  • Shell Tools - Interesting and useful third-party tools for the shell/command line.
  • Testing Shell Scripts - Using TDD with shell scripts is weird but not impossible.
  • zsh - zsh is a Unix shell based on the Bourne shell.
  • K6 - K6 is an open-source load testing program for API's via Javascript.
  • React (Testing) - How to best test your React software, including components, API calls, etc.
  • Storybook - Storybook is a framework to manually test isolated UI components.
  • Test-Driven Development - In programming, test-driven development is when tests are developed first before the code is written.
  • Testing Vanilla Javascript - Testing vanilla Javascript is simple, but different than testing a React project.
Programming/Unix Tools
  • crontab - crontab is a way to schedule regular background tasks and shell commands.
  • fc - fc allows you to open a temporary file and execute what's written in the shell.
  • grep - grep finds string patterns within a given file or folder.
  • sed and awk - sed and awk are domain-specific text filtering and modification tools.
  • sort - Unix's `sort` command is super powerful and I use it often.
  • Symlinks - Symbolic links allow you to create shortcuts that act exactly like the files they link to.
  • xargs - You can use xargs to build and execute command lines from standard input.
  • zip - This is an archiving and compression tool that allows encryption.
  • Animation (uxn)
  • Sprites (uxn) - Sprites are 8x8 graphical sections that can be used to draw on screen.
  • uxn - uxn is a virtual machine based on Forth and assembly, built to be a slim wrapper for any system.
  • Vim - Vim is a command-line editor that is included with most *nix machines and OSX.
  • Vim Commands - Vim commands are notoriously arcane and weird, but quick once you learn them.
  • Vim Functions - Vim functions can be super powerful, if you learn how vimscript works.
  • Vimrc - Vimrc is the config file for Vim.
Programming/Web Development
  • Accessibility For Web Design - Accessibility means making everything easier for everyone.
  • Authentication - Authentication in web development is the way to verify that a given user is who they say they are.
  • AWS Deployment
  • Debugger in Chrome - The debugger command in Chrome is really useful for diagnostics and testing.
  • Docker - Docker is a way to normalize and simplify deployment of software.
  • Semantic Versioning - Semantic versioning is a way to standardize versioning for package managers.
  • SSH - SSH, secure shell, is a way to connect to other devices over the internet via the command line.
  • Text Compression (Server) - Text compression minifies and zips files on build or on client side render of your web page.
  • Web Development Resources - Things that can make web development a little more bearable.
  • XAMPP - XAMPP is a tool for developing locally using the LAMP stack.
  • Yarn Resolutions - This is a way to control the versions of dependencies.
  • Alternative Website Frontends - These sites exist as ad- and tracker-free proxies for websites or complete alternatives.
  • Cell Phones - Cell phones, once merely a tool for verbal communication, are rapidly moving towards personal computers.
  • Computer Tools - A place to link to useful tools for computer users.
  • Federal Communications Commission - The FCC is the agency that regulates and enforces rules for amateur radio in the United States.
  • Google Chrome - Google Chrome is not a safe browser, but sometimes you have to use it.
  • International System of Units (Metric System)
  • MacOS - MacOS is the operating system for Apple computers.
  • Morse Code - Morse code is a language that is traditionally transmitted via radio frequencies.
  • Search Engines - Search engines are getting worse from SEO and spam, but there are still good and fun ones out there.
  • Web3 and Crypto - In it's current state, cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme meant to take advantage of those less fortunate, and web3 isn't actually decentralized.
  • Webrings - Webrings are a way to have adecentralized community of sites with similar topics or goals.
Technology/Electrical Engineering
  • Antennas - Antennas are devices meant to transmit and/or receive electromagnetic waves.
  • Core Concepts of Electricity - These are the basics of electrical engineering; terminology and concepts, mainly.
  • Electrical Components - Electrical components are the parts that make up modern electric circuits.
  • Electromagnetic Energy - Electromagnetic energy travels at the speed of light and includes radio, microwaves, light, x-rays, and gamma rays.
  • iLC Circuits - LC circuits are a combination of inductance (L) and capacitance (C).
  • Soldering - Soldering is the act of connecting different components through heating conductive material and fusing the components together with it.
  • Amateur Radio Bands of the United States
  • Contesting (Ham) - Contesting is an activity for hams to exchange information with lots of stations over a period of time.
  • HAM Radio - HAM radio is the use of radio by normal people: for recreation, communication, or in emergencies.
  • Station Log - A station log is used to record all HF contacts, and can end up being useful.
  • Traffic - Handling traffic in amateur radio means relaying messages from station to station.
  • Bicycles - Bikes are the best. Maintenance info and other stuff, too.
  • Longboarding - Longboarding is one of my favorite things: gets you somewhere and it's exercise.
Wiki Stubs
~The Pile