Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code/Codium is an open-source application developed by Microsoft for software and code development.


Creating snippets is a simple way to make your life easier. To create your own, go to Preferences > User Snippets and create a new one. Here is an example of a React snippet for arrow function components:

  "Arrow Function Component": {
    "scope": "javascript,javascriptreact,typescript,typescriptreact",
    "prefix": "afc",
    "body": [
      "const $1 = () => {",
      "export default $1;",
    "description": "Create arrow function React component"

The prefix is the shortcut you will type in.

The body is what it will expand to. Note that each newline needs to be in its own set of quotes. You can use $1, $2, etc. to note each successive input to be carried out by the user after expansion.

Extensions Missing

If an extension is found on VS Code but not on VS Codium, it can still be installed by sideloading it as a VSIX. "You'll have to sideload that extension since the marketplace that VS Codium uses is OpenVSX which hosts only open source extensions"[1].

You can download it on the website and in the "Extensions" pane of VS Codium, click the dots up top and choose "Install VSIX".


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