JSDoc is a markup language used to annotate JavaScript source code files with comment blocks.


JSDoc areas must start with a /**, end with */ (that is prefaced with one space, see below), and every line in between the two delimiters is a * (again, prefaced by a space, see below).

Name Arguments
@param {type} argumentName Description
@param {type=} argumentName Description = in type signifies optional argument
@param {type} [argumentName] Description [] around argumentName signifies optional argument
@param {typeA \| typeB} argumentName Description \| separates the two possible types
@returns {type} Description
 * Generates the change needed per frame to get from `start` to `end` in `length` seconds
 * @param {Number} start Initial value
 * @param {Number} end Destination value
 * @param {Number} seconds Length of time to get from start to end
 * @param {Number=} fps FPS of the application (Pixi sets this to 60 by default)
 * @returns {Number}

const getAnimationDelta = (start, end, seconds, fps = 60) => {
  return (end - start) / (fps * seconds);


 * Takes objects of start and end values and gets animation delta for each.
 * @param {Object.<string, number>} start Initial values
 * @param {Object.<string, number>} end Destination value
 * @param {number} seconds Length of time to get from start to end
 * @param {number=} fps FPS of the application (Pixi sets this to 60 by default)
 * @returns {Object.<string, number>}

const getAllAnimationDeltas = (start, end, seconds, fps = PIXI_FPS) => {
  // ...

You can also use this for object properties:

 * @param {Object} person
 * @param {String} person.name
 * @param {Number} person.age

const personifier = (person) => {
  // ...

If you want to add JSDoc to a function that is within an object, you can put the documentation directly above where the function is defined.


 * @param {Object[]} people
 * @param {String} people[].name
 * @param {Number} people[].age


 * A person with a name and age.
 * @typedef {Object} Person
 * @property {String} name
 * @property {Number} age

 * Creates a greeting to the person.
 * @param {Person} person
 * @returns {String}

export const greet = (person) => {
  // ...

// or

export const greet = ({ name, age }) => {
  // ...

If you have an object with arbitrary keys[6], you can use a typedef for the value, and then use that in the final definition.

 * A person with a name and age.
 * @typedef {Object} Person
 * @property {String} name
 * @property {Number} age

 * A greeting.
 * @typedef Greetings
 * @property {Function} morning
 * @property {Function} night

 * Creates a greeting to the person.
 * @param {Person} person
 * @returns {Object.<String, Greetings>}

export const greet = (person) => {
  // ...
  return {
    [person.name]: {
      morning() {
        console.log(`Good morning, I am ${person.name}!`);
      night() {
        console.log(`Good night, I am ${person.age} years old!`);

Type Guards

Type guards are used to narrow down what a certain type is. For instance, if you want to narrow down whether a variable is undefined or not.

 * Type guard for undefined variables.
 * @param {unknown} x The item we are looking to check if it is undefined
 * @returns {x is undefined} Whether or not `x` is undefined
export const isUndefined = (x) => {
  return typeof x === "undefined";

Then it can be used like the following, ensuring that we return a string and throw if the dataset is undefined.

 * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to find the dataset value
 * @param {string} dataset The key of the dataset to get
 * @returns {string} The value of the dataset at key `dataset`
export const getDataset = (element, dataset) => {
  const result = element.dataset[dataset];
  if (isUndefined(result)) {
    throw Error(
      `'${dataset}' not found in dataset of '${element.tagName.toLowerCase()}' dataset.`
  return result;


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSDoc
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6460604/how-to-describe-object-arguments-in-jsdoc
  3. https://ricostacruz.com/til/typescript-jsdoc
  4. https://stackoverflow.com/a/32747700/14857724
  5. https://jsdoc.app/tags-typedef.html
  6. https://stackoverflow.com/a/44993095
  7. https://docs.joshuatz.com/cheatsheets/js/jsdoc/
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