Frameworks (Javascript)
Javascript frameworks are abundant and everywhere, so I wanted to collate a list with some blurbs and first impressions.
Disclaimer that ease of development should not be your only criteria when picking a framework. There are many things that are sacrificed the more involved your client's workload gets[13-15].
Alpine.js: A really minimal framework that also allows functionality to be added to the HTML markup. Surprisingly full featured, has side-effect handling and a global store, too.
Backbone[4]: A jQuery solution that is more of a way to model and organize the data you are going to be passing around. Uses templating from Underscore to build components. A tutorial is here.
Fresh[10]: Server-side framework that allows selective hydration for very fast pages. Uses Preact (which is a smaller React) and Typescript.
htmx[6] and _hyperscript[8]: Super lightweight and lets you bake in your actions directly to the HTML. If your app is simple enough, means no extra JS is needed at all. Wild stuff.
Marko[3]: Can write your functionality into the HTML similar to Vue.
React: The classic. Makes SPA's slick and clean using components, but requires quite a few dependencies and Webpack and Babel, so is a bit unwieldy.
SolidJS: A healthy blend of the React-like declarative reactive framework, with the benefit of compiled vanilla Javascript code that isn't difficult to manipulate in the way that React often prohibits.
Svelte[7]: A framework that has no dependencies; all the tooling, building, compiling are made in house. Seems to look really good, and I would love to use this in the future.
Vue: Allows functionality to be written in your HTML components, along with accompanying CSS and JS for each component.
- Pretty comprehensive list of frameworks and their many different types
- Making the world's fastest website and other mistakes
- radEventListener: a Tale of Client-side Framework Performance
- Frontend Performance: React SSR and the Uncanny Valley
Last modified: 202401040446