
Glob is like regular expressions but for POSIX systems and is available in most shells.


Symbol Description Example
* Matches any number of any characters including none *abc* matches abc, 1abc2, xyzabc123
? Matches any single character ?abc matches 1abc, not abc
[abc] Matches any character within the bracket [123]abc matches 1abc, not xabc or abc
[a-z] Matches any character within range (locale dependent) [0-9]abc matches 8abc, not xabc or abc

Extended Syntax

These are not standard, but are usually available for any given shell. The bash option is in parentheses. More than one pattern can exist within a set of parentheses for extglob, as long as they are separated by a pipe (|).

Symbol Description Example
** (globstar) Matches any number of any directories including none folder/**/*.txt matches folder/abc.txt, folder/subfolder/abc.txt, not /abc.txt
*(pattern) (extglob) Matches zero or more occurrences of a given pattern a*(b\|c)d matchesabcd, ad, abbd
?(pattern) (extglob) Matches zero or one occurrence of a given pattern a?(b\|c)d matchesad, abd, acd
+(pattern) (extglob) Matches one or more occurrence of a given pattern a+(b\|c)d matchesabd, abcccccd, not ad
@(pattern) (extglob) Matches one occurrence of a given pattern a@(b\|c)d matchesabd, acd, not abcd
!(pattern) (extglob) Matches anything except the given pattern a!(b\|c)d matchesaed, abcccccd, not ad


  1. glob - Greg's Wiki
  2. [glob (programming) - Wikipedia](<
  3. Glob tester - tool for testing glob pattern
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Last modified: 202401040446