
Proquints are a way to encode numbers in pronounceable consonant/vowel combinations.

The Letters

The consonants and vowels have their own significance, represented as a 4-bit and 2-bit number, respectively.


Number Hex Binary Character
0 0 0000 b
1 1 0001 d
2 2 0010 f
3 3 0011 g
4 4 0100 h
5 5 0101 j
6 6 0110 k
7 7 0111 l
8 8 1000 m
9 9 1001 n
10 a 1010 p
11 b 1011 r
12 c 1100 s
13 d 1101 t
14 e 1110 v
15 f 1111 z


Number Hex Binary Character
0 0 00 a
1 1 01 i
2 2 10 o
3 3 11 u

Using Proquints

A 16-bit chunk of data can be represented as a proquint. To do this, we first have to change the number into its binary representation and then calculate the corresponding consonant (con) or vowel (vo):

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
 |con    |vo |con    |vo |con    |

We then go bit by bit through the binary number, creating these 4-bit consonants and 2-bit vowels as we traverse the whole 16-bit number, putting them together into a single word.

To decode this, we just reverse this process, going letter by letter and putting those bits into their proper slots.

If your number is above 16-bits, this process can be extended, with the proquints combined with a hyphen, e.g. boron-mapin.

Number to Proquint

Let's start with a 16-bit number (0-65,535), like 50,416.

First step is to convert it into binary: 1100010011110000, with every four bits broken up for readability.

Now we will break up the binary number into meaningful chunks for the proquint conversion: 1100, 01, 0011, 11, 0000. If we go through the above table, we end up with the proquint cigub.

Proquint to Number

Let's start with a five letter combination from the tables above: potus.

We go through each character in the table and place their binary representations into a new number: 1010, 10, 1101, 11, 1100. Putting it all together, it makes the binary number: 1010101101111100.

Decoding this into decimal, we end up with 43,900.



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